The Caboose

The idea of owning a caboose came to me during a bike trip from Montreal to Portland in 1972, when I came across a caboose being used as a cabin somewhere in the White Mountains. After years of being on a waiting list (CPR, CNR), in 1980 Buff, Penny and I bought a used caboose for the princely sum of $800, from a couple in Montreal who were returning to Greece.  They owned two cabeese situated on the east side of Owl’s Head Mtn. Getting our caboose to Ogden was quite the adventure.

In 1992 Hugh LeBaron with the help of David Francey built us a “station” addition for the caboose and in 1994 our family of 5 (plus Jessie our golden) moved in for the first of many happy holidays at “Bodes Well Station”.

From the outset our intent was to minimize our environmental footprint, which entailed opting for solar power, composting toilet, gravity-fed water supply and wood heat. For over 16 seasons we have come to live happily with and truly value sustainable living – wonderful preparation for Solarhurst.